semlm gi opis lame.. antor soghat, lepak2, sembang2...
sedor2 dh kui 6.. nak naik balik opis baghu amik henbeg.. peh xdek. tunggu le oghang lalu nk tompang masuk opis. masuk2 tgk2 fon dok dlm henbeg punye byk misscalls! sempat jwb satu call dr ya habibi.. kat ospitel emergency! adoi bedeghau daghah teman dengornye!
bwk kete dgn kelibutnye mujor sampey dgn slamat tanpa peghelu masok embulen ke emergency room juge.. tgk2 yg abg2 dok tunggu luor. deme kate ya habibi + adiknye kat dalam ER. lekeh2 teman berkejor ke pintu ER tu tp pak gad misai tahan kate soghang je buleh masok. teguih teman mtk tulong abg misi bgtau ya habibi yg teman dh sampey. dpt le masok..
ceghitenye deme tgh balik ke ghomah. abahnye dokong adiknye. sliper abahnye tergelincir make jatohle dedue tu. abah tertimpe adik. lebam blakang adik kt tulang + terantok kepalenye. aboahnye bengkak lutut + siku. adik nangeh punye kuat.. kak seblah ghomah sughoh bwk ke emergency. mujor le dekat je dgn ghomah..
abahnye nangeh.. ghisokan tulang blakang adik. mase teman sampey dh xray tp lom dpt tau result. adik tebaghing ateh stretcher plastik utk pastikan blakang lughuih.. nyonyot botoi.. diam je.. bile tanye sakit katenye.. kesian.. uminye pon nangeh same..
sughoh abahnye dok luor ade keghusi nk dudok. terkejut lg nampoknye.. teman pon tunggu dgn adik.. lame juge. sapu2kan tgn ke blakang adik sambey bacekan ayat 'tabbat yadaa'..
tgh nunggu tu ade mak baby ni dtg tanye kabor. ghopenye anaknye juge jatuh. umor 5 bln pulak tu.. kesian sgt.. menangeh xbrenti. hr senin bwk blk dr taska, tgk ade bincut. dikatenye terantok. demam + muntah2 bdk tu.. susu pon x ndak. ptg tu dibwknye klinit pehtu kne refer ke ER. doktor kate ni bukan terantok, ni kesan jatuh. terkedu maknye.. kesian teman nengok. dengor2 mcm nk amik tindakan pd taska tu. dibaginye drip ayor kt baby tu.. baghu mau tidor. kepenatan nangeh.
pehtu doktor dtg bgtau xray tulang blakang adik normal.. alhamdulillah! time tu adik pon dh buleh dudok main2 kapey teghobang teman lipat2 dr keteh lap tgn yg ade kt situ. kesian budak bosan nunggu. amik ubat2 yg patut, balik le kami ke ghomah. bg obat lpeh makan, tidor sampey ke pagi budak tu. elok je xde muntah2 ke hape.. syukor alhamdulillahhh..
abahnye pulak pg ni sakit blakang. mmg dia ade sakit blakang lame dh.. kne gitu dtg le balik sakitnye. kesian.. jadik misi le teman haghi ni. esok kalo x baik juge, teman bwk ughut dgn pakciknye di banting tu le.
sekian beghite tekini dgn pesanan behati2 le ye kengkome, bak kate oghang tue2 jgn gaje2 sgt.. malang x bebau!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
..menikam dan membiarkan..
smenjak yg kecik tu, teman amik cucuk perancang Depo Provera. 3 bln skali.. tiap2 kali gi mtk sain kuar dgn bos, teman kate nkgi cucuk Botox.. tergelak dia.. :) mmg mcm botox.. abih ngembang mane yg leh kembang dibuatnye.. hmmm... thn lpeh genap 4 thn teman ngambik botox tu.. misi nasehatkan beghenti dlu sbb lame sgt ngambiknye. dibaginye sughat gi klinik peghancang kuarga utk langkah meghancang seteghuihnye.. tapi teman tak pegi. lpeh tu ade le dtg bendeghe meghah sikit2. sampey ke bln ni takde meghah. ghiso juge kot2 ngandong tak sedor.. semlm beli le tester. pg td test.. satu line je. sbenornye teman tak kesah ade ke tak ade.. ade alhamdulillah.. tak ade takpe. bace beghite kat link ateh tu lg le teman ngilu d ati... cemane tergamoknye dia buatnye anak kandungnye gitu? ditikamnye anak yg baghu lahir tu lime kali lepeh tu bior je kat bilik ayor.. kejam! semlm ade teman bace pasey 'post natal depression' yg ghamey org sini buat tak kesah je atopun tak gheti nak nyeleseinye.. cakap melayunye meghoyan. teman ghase itu le salah satu punce utamenye.. anaknye pompuan pulak tu.. kalo le tak ndak sgt, bagi je kat teman... teman sanggop! mmg teman berdoa moge anak2 yg tak berdosa ni dilindungi dr manusia kejam cenggini.. andainye nak buang.. buang le pade teman takpe.. :'(
teman bukannye beghete, utang beghibu2 lemon.. tapi teman punye ati. ati ni tak sampey ati nk nengok pekaghe2 cenggini.. sedih benor.. arwah apak teman cikgubesor je jawatannye mase meninggey, arwah mak jage kami 13 anak2nye sepenoh mase.. tak adenye dibuang2.. soghang je dibagi dgn beghat ati pd adik mak sbb dh kawen lame tp belom dpt anak.. lpeh dpt kak teman tu teghuih dia mengandong.. alhamdulillah!
al Fatihah buat arwah apak, mak, kekande2 teman + anak2 tak berdosa yg dh pergi menemuiNya..
teman bukannye beghete, utang beghibu2 lemon.. tapi teman punye ati. ati ni tak sampey ati nk nengok pekaghe2 cenggini.. sedih benor.. arwah apak teman cikgubesor je jawatannye mase meninggey, arwah mak jage kami 13 anak2nye sepenoh mase.. tak adenye dibuang2.. soghang je dibagi dgn beghat ati pd adik mak sbb dh kawen lame tp belom dpt anak.. lpeh dpt kak teman tu teghuih dia mengandong.. alhamdulillah!
al Fatihah buat arwah apak, mak, kekande2 teman + anak2 tak berdosa yg dh pergi menemuiNya..
wah wah waaahhhhhh

assalamualaikom! *sapu2 sawang*
ade orang komplen ye ghomah kite sepi sepoi2 bahse ekkkkk hehehehe...
almaklom le teman ni bizibodi le pulok 2,3 menggu ni.. bukannye hape.. doa termakbul make mindoh le teman ke opis baghu :)
blok sebloh aje tp asey dpt tukor angen.. bos2 baghu juge mcm ok le.. alhamdulillah!
stakat ini dok godek2 pc (+blog).. study2 sesikit pemendenye nk kne kelik2 nnti.. tu je.. bln2 depan ni baghu setat enjennye. haghap dpt mengeghojekannye dgn cemeghelang (bughok pulok bunyinye)... amiinnn! dalam perkembangan lain.. (mmg kembang benor ni).. nnti le teman apdet pulak.. hehe.. jgn mareeeee nnti kedhut!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Have u ever? (updated)
felt like ur world came crashing down on u but there's still some beam of light coming through the rubble?
that's what just happened today..
may Allah show us all the rightful path.. amiinn..!
will update with details later.
here's the overdue update..
the crash was our long-lobbied project. actually hubby + FIL's.. months of lobbying, paperworks, going to + from the project site for meetings, monies advanced for expenses incurred, our low budget rayas.. all down the drain! the frustrations only Allah knows.. the only consolation is maybe there's hikmah behind the failure. maybe Allah have better plan for us..
and sesungguhnye doa org2 yg terniaya itu makbul... i strongly believe so!
my transfer goes thru! going to be in new department this new year :)
learning new things, gaining new frens.. i luv my current frens but it's due time to move on.. tukor angin kate org tue2..
may 2011 offers better hope for us all.. amiinnn... :)
that's what just happened today..
may Allah show us all the rightful path.. amiinn..!
will update with details later.
here's the overdue update..
the crash was our long-lobbied project. actually hubby + FIL's.. months of lobbying, paperworks, going to + from the project site for meetings, monies advanced for expenses incurred, our low budget rayas.. all down the drain! the frustrations only Allah knows.. the only consolation is maybe there's hikmah behind the failure. maybe Allah have better plan for us..
and sesungguhnye doa org2 yg terniaya itu makbul... i strongly believe so!
my transfer goes thru! going to be in new department this new year :)
learning new things, gaining new frens.. i luv my current frens but it's due time to move on.. tukor angin kate org tue2..
may 2011 offers better hope for us all.. amiinnn... :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
benapeh dlm lumpor!
hmmmppphhhhhh... baghu le buleh benapeh!
smenjak dr pg idok beghentinye deme ni membayor.. jenuh teman ngirenye sampei naik muak nengok duit! (pasey duit tu bukannye duit teman huhuh) dlm ati dok bekate2.. 'sabor le.. sabor le..' ndak je teghojah bhgn sumber tu nanye apekehenye lmbt benor proses tukor teman dan2 ni juge.. tapi apekan daye teman hanye insan biase.. menyalak2 last2 ati sendri juge yg sakit xde sape nk heghan.. itu le hasil muntahan hr ni.. sekian beghite tekini
eh jap satu lg.. dh lebih 2minggu dh ndak teghojah blog en. MAS.. asik2 kuor yg cenggini..
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nyampahnye!!!!! potong stim tui..
smenjak dr pg idok beghentinye deme ni membayor.. jenuh teman ngirenye sampei naik muak nengok duit! (pasey duit tu bukannye duit teman huhuh) dlm ati dok bekate2.. 'sabor le.. sabor le..' ndak je teghojah bhgn sumber tu nanye apekehenye lmbt benor proses tukor teman dan2 ni juge.. tapi apekan daye teman hanye insan biase.. menyalak2 last2 ati sendri juge yg sakit xde sape nk heghan.. itu le hasil muntahan hr ni.. sekian beghite tekini
eh jap satu lg.. dh lebih 2minggu dh ndak teghojah blog en. MAS.. asik2 kuor yg cenggini..
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nyampahnye!!!!! potong stim tui..
Sunday, January 9, 2011
lupe nk boh tajuk pulok eh hehehe
teman tgh mendengor cik ke$ha nyanyi kat redio melayu ni. sbenornye dh lame teman prasan tp ni nak cite.. apekehenye gi 'blur' kan bunyi whenevr she sings 'drunk', 'tipsy'? tak takut ke kome kne sound dek si pembuat lagu itu kerna 'menyumbang'kan lagunye itu walopun sesikit? am no supporter of lagu yg ade carut, (tp carut ke those words?) takat dengor pon utk dose sendri je. kalo ade yg carut2, kan ke baguih lagu tu tak kome dengorkan kt stesen kome.. kan? dolu2 kan ade lagu2 tempatan yang kne gam.. apesey lagu2 luor tak kne gam juge? mane kome tau lagu2 korea ke jepun ke latino yg kome mainkan tu carut-free songs? i doubt u hav pasukan screen setiap lirik lagu there.. or do u?
heghan betui..
heghan betui..
Cemane nk ikut time tempatan?
ye itulah soklannye... cemane nk pebetui time entri ni ke hr ni i.e. 9 jan 2011.. bukannye 8 jan. ce kabor kat teman ni nak godek tang mane...... plis?
Marge Simpson
i adore marge simpson. she's the husky-voiced superfun mom from the TV series The Simpson. those who 'follows' her might recognise where i 'copied' my blog title from. those who dont, this is from her notepad.. 'from the mind of marge' originally. the way she put up (a.k.a. bersabor je le) with her family's antics is always fun to watch. dedolu jaman dok kampung melben tu ade le time nk layan the simpsons ni. jaman putrejaye ni sesekali-kale je le.. i miss her!
so there.. a bit of sejarah tajuk blogku ini.
p/s entah ngape image pakcik Google takmo kluor.. kome google sendri le ye
so there.. a bit of sejarah tajuk blogku ini.
p/s entah ngape image pakcik Google takmo kluor.. kome google sendri le ye
Assalamualaikom + g'day mates!
welcome to my humble abode on the net.. (besides FB lah!)
kat sini le nak ngeluorkan apepe yg ghase di otak + hati.. it is truly personal.. doesnt reflect evryone else's opinion.. so jgn kecik ati ekk..
plis plis plis dont mind my bahase ghojak ye.. melayu + pasar + perak + english = ntah hape2!
sile le komen kalo ghase nk ngomen.. jgn gado2.. kalo takde mende nk ngomen, dendiam je sudoh! but i do appreciate u droppingby ;)
till next mind-gag.. emmmwahsh!
welcome to my humble abode on the net.. (besides FB lah!)
kat sini le nak ngeluorkan apepe yg ghase di otak + hati.. it is truly personal.. doesnt reflect evryone else's opinion.. so jgn kecik ati ekk..
plis plis plis dont mind my bahase ghojak ye.. melayu + pasar + perak + english = ntah hape2!
sile le komen kalo ghase nk ngomen.. jgn gado2.. kalo takde mende nk ngomen, dendiam je sudoh! but i do appreciate u droppingby ;)
till next mind-gag.. emmmwahsh!
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